• Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Kovachevski – Donev: Dignified observance of Delchev’s birth anniversary, sanctions for anyone who disturbs peace and security

Kovachevski – Donev: Dignified observance of Delchev’s birth anniversary, sanctions for anyone who disturbs peace and security

Skopje, 27 January 2023 (MIA) – Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski spoke over the phone with Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Galab Donev on Friday. Talks focused on current developments in the two countries, the Government said in a press release.  

Kovachevski stressed that the Republic of North Macedonia, in accordance with its constitutional order, guarantees the exercise of the rights of every citizen who lives in the country.

“In the context of the developments and the upcoming observance of Goce Delchev’s birth anniversary, it was pointed out that activities of individuals, regardless of whether they are citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria or the Republic of North Macedonia, which will be in the direction of preventing a peaceful and safe observance of the anniversary, will be sanctioned accordingly, as also expected on the Bulgarian side,” reads the press release. 

Regarding the upcoming observance of Goce Delchev’s 151st birth anniversary, and in order for the observance to take place in a peaceful and friendly atmosphere, the Ministry of Interior and the National Security Agency, in coordination with the relevant services in the Republic of Bulgaria, are responsible for providing all conditions for a dignified observance of this great day.