Hackathon held to mark 2021 International Youth Day

Skopje, 13 August 2021 (MIA) - On the occasion of the International Youth Day, the Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility along with the Agency for Youth and Sport, the National Youth Council of Macedonia and the Union for Youth Work hosted Friday youth hackathon that was held at the Museum of Contemporary Art.
“The hackathon’s goal was to develop ideas and encourage initiatives among young people who then had the task to present it. Moreover, display stands of youth organizations were set up aimed at offering opportunities to young people,” event organizers said.
The director of the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility, Marko Gjorgievski said that the agency and the Erasmus+ Programme are aimed at supporting young people.
“The Erasmus+ Programme offers numerous opportunities for young people. The National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility enable all that and is committed to offer more opportunities for all and together to create a better tomorrow,” Gjorgievski said.
The Agency for Youth and Sport Director Naumche Mojsovski said “Young people have knowledge, skills, creativity and they deserve the chance to have space to present their knowledge and to contribute to the development of our society.”
“I wish young people to be the focus of all events throughout the year, not just on this day. The National Youth Council of Macedonia works and will continue to work on promoting and advocating for the rights of young people and providing better conditions for young people,” National Youth Council of Macedonia President Marija Krstevska said.
The director of the Union for Youth Work Dragan Atanasov noted that the development of innovations is very important for youth work to be up to date with the trends and new needs of young people.
“Providing institutional support and funds for piloting innovative ideas directly by young people is a great example of supporting youth activism,” Atanasov underlined.