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Grubi expects Parliament to start procedure on constitutional changes in late July

Grubi expects Parliament to start procedure on constitutional changes in late July

Skopje, 12 June 2023 (MIA) — The government is making efforts to initiate the constitutional changes and the parliamentary procedure is expected to begin at the end of July, according to First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi in a TV24 appearance.


"There are 120 lawmakers in Parliament, not 80. I believe that all of them, with the exception of two MPs, are in favor of the country's EU integration as they were in favor of joining NATO. I believe that if this technical change to the Constitution is presented well, citizens would accept it, too. These are only technical amendments to continue Macedonia's European path," Grubi said.


He highlighted the importance of VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski's statements after the leadership meeting with Prime Minister and SDSM president Dimitar Kovachevski on June 7.


"That day will be remembered, not because it is my birthday, but because of Mickoski's statements," Grubi said.


"I want to publicly thank him for the opportunity he gave us to continue on the European path. It turned out that their address was not elsewhere, but in Brussels and Washington.


"He was unaware that we had accepted his challenge. June 7 will be remembered for Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE's accepting constitutional amendments, accepting that the Bulgarians should be included in the Preamble to the Constitution, and accepting that there will be no snap parliamentary election."


Grubi urged lawmakers to start the parliamentary procedure and consider the proposals of the working group on the constitutional changes.


He also described June 7 as a "crucial decision day."


"Our June 7 position is the best thing we could have done. We promised European integration. DUI is a party that promises and delivers. If need be, we would sacrifice ourselves just so North Macedonia enters the European Union. Ruling power is irrelevant," he said.


"Between DUI being in opposition and Macedonia in the EU, we will choose Macedonia in the EU," he said.


"Our position is unambiguous. After all the crises, this is the right way," Grubi said. mr/