Gov’t adopts annual work program, economic growth and successful EU negotiations among priorities
- The Government on Tuesday adopted its 2023 Work Program, which is focused towards achieving the strategic priorities contained in the 2022-2024 Government Program.

Skopje, 24 January 2023 (MIA) – The Government on Tuesday adopted its 2023 Work Program, which is focused towards achieving the strategic priorities contained in the 2022-2024 Government Program.
Some of the priority goals include ensuring accelerated, sustainable and inclusive economic growth, a higher standard of living and quality of life for citizens, promoting energy transition, investing in energy efficiency and green development, reducing air pollution and the impact of climate change, dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises, successful EU accession negotiations process, as well as promoting the defense policy towards development, independence, territorial integrity, citizens’ security and collective security.
According to the Government, strategic priorities also include ensuring the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary, raising the quality of education available to all, in line with demand on the labor market, development and promotion of culture and sports, professional and efficient public administration, supported by intensive digitization, optimal structure and innovative processes and techniques, full implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, etc.