• Saturday, 12 October 2024

Folklore tradition is a nation’s DNA, Tolaj tells MIA

Folklore tradition is a nation’s DNA, Tolaj tells MIA
Skopje, 22 November 2022 (MIA) - Folklore tradition is the DNA of a nation. We have very talented, intelligent youth, interested in all areas, be it classical music, folklore or folk dances, Shkodran Tolaj, director of the Albanian National Ensemble of Traditional Dances and Songs in the Republic of North Macedonia, said in an interview with MIA.  The ensemble will hold a concert on Tuesday at the House of Culture in Bitola on the occasion of the Day of the Albanian Alphabet. Next is a concert in Skopje on the occasion of the Day of the Albanian Flag, on November 28.  “I’m pleased by the fact that 110 artists will be on stage for the first time at the concert that we will hold on November 28. It is an indicator of the youth's interest in folklore and folk music,” Shkodran pointed out in the interview with MIA, available in full below.   The Albanian National Ensemble of Traditional Dances and Songs will hold two concerts on the occasion of the Day of the Albanian Alphabet and the Day of the Albanian Flag. Can you tell us more about these concerts?  The concerts on November 22 and 28 are annual concerts of the Albanian National Ensemble of Traditional Dances and Songs and they are already a tradition. The November holidays bring concerts in different cities across North Macedonia for the third year in a row. Given that November 22 and 28 are the central dates, this year too we focused on holding the celebration at the House of Culture in Bitola on November 22 and at the National Opera and Ballet in Skopje on November 28, starting at 7 p.m.  These are concerts for which the staff of the Albanian Ensemble has been preparing for months, and within these concerts there are also two very special dances from rich ethnographic and musical spaces. Therefore, I can safely say that something spectacular will be presented to the viewers. I say this fully convinced considering the choreographies done by Gjergj Prevazi, a well-known name from Albania, and Artan Ibershimi, also from Albania. "The Dance of Dervent" will be presented in a completely unique way including clothing, movement, content, musical concept, choreography. "Debar dance" as well. In addition to the dance, the most beautiful epic songs will be performed. Of course, in Bitola there will be special performances dedicated to November 22, while in Skopje there are other musical performances that correspond to November 28. Diaspora actor Pajazit Murtishi will be a special guest, while in Bitola we have the privilege of presenting the premiere of the artist Ilir Shaqiri, created exclusively as a song and video project for this 114th anniversary of the Bitola Congress. I believe that on November 22 all roads will lead us to Bitola because that city deserves our attention.  For lifetime contribution in the field of music, a plaque will be awarded by the institution, but I cannot reveal the name of the recipient for confidential and program reasons. Also, these concerts will be broadcast directly on Macedonian Television-TVM2, as well as on Albanian Television. I use this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your interest in covering these events of particular importance for Albanians in North Macedonia and for our culture.  This year in June you won first prizes at international festivals in Budapest, Hungary and in August in Büyükçekmece, Turkey. Can you tell us something more about these international performances?  The ensemble triumphed at festivals of world significance and in a rank that every ensemble dreams of. We started with Bulgaria or Veliko Trnovo where we won the first prize. Then we were presented in Hungary at a festival with extremely strict criteria where we triumphed, and the next challenge was Büyükçekmece, the dream of every dancer, musician and ensemble.  In this challenge, none of the sister ensembles, regardless of whether they are from Kosovo or Albania, managed to triumph. What makes our ensemble special is the fact that there are boys and girls full of motivation, unspent in the artistic aspect, promoting an almost completely untouched area, but very rich from a folklore aspect like North Macedonia. When discipline, ceaseless work, self-sacrifice to self-denial are added to these characteristics, from the manager to the youngest artist, then the triumph is palpable.  We touched a big and real dream, the Albanian Ensemble made history. I must say that I am both happy and proud to have the good fortune to commit myself to it as a manager. This success certainly belongs to all employees, collaborators, art lovers, the media and everyone who feels the Ensemble as a part of themselves.  As an ensemble, you are relatively new. The ensemble was founded in 2018 by the Government, and you have the beginnings in 2019. What are the conditions under which the Ensemble works?  The ensemble is still looking for a permanent space for the artistic staff, although in the House of ARM, where the artists have been housed since the beginning of its operation, day by day we have created solid, acceptable conditions for its operation. The administration and director's offices are in the building of the Ministry of Political System and Community Relations, which is the official address of the institution, where fortunately the conditions are good enough for work and functioning, so that in the short time that the Ensemble has been operating, great steps have been taken both in terms of location and staff consolidation.  Real standards of work and functioning have been set, both from an administrative and artistic point of view. Therefore, the results of the ensemble are the best indicator of tireless work and full commitment in following and elevating our values.    Is there interest and will among young people to cultivate culture, folk dances and songs?  I believe we have very talented, intelligent youth, interested in all areas, be it classical music, folklore or folk dances. I’m very pleased by the fact that 110 artists will be on stage for the first time at the concert that we will hold on November 28. The National Ensemble was joined by excellent young girls and boys from the cultural associations "Dufla", "Karshiaka", "Shqiponjat", "Ilirida", "Drita e Dervenit". A combination that makes you overwhelmed when you see young boys and girls dancing the dances prepared by the State Ensemble. It is an indicator of the youth's interest in folklore and folk music. We, the Albanians, in all periods and in the most difficult times of captivity, have managed to survive and preserve our language, tradition, folk costume, dance and song. This speaks of an extraordinary relationship and love of our people for rationality and our heritage.  Do we have enough of an audience that recognizes the values of artists in this sphere?  The audience exists and we notice it with the comments, the support, as well as with the desire to see the Albanian Ensemble on stage as often as possible. Even more accurate is the fact that today there is a phase of transition and great transformation of our music, when our music market can be entered, but when it comes to folk dance and songs and folklore in general, it is an area that has a large and loyal audience. Folklore tradition is the DNA of a nation.  How much has the Covid-19 pandemic changed your plans in the professional field? What happened to your performances that were planned for last year?  The Covid-19 period was filled with many challenges for everyone, with many dilemmas and fears. We were the first institution to have started work online and we are functioning smoothly even on the most difficult days, strictly observing the measures. For several months, we worked online from home and made ten sensitizing videos for the victims of Covid-19, as well as other programs that we later realized with a concert after going back to normal.  I remember we did the whole program online for the composer Musa Piperku. Our new institution, without baggage and an archive rich in repertoire, didn’t have the luxury to stop functioning completely, so I am proud to say that in the most difficult year of 2020, the Albanian Ensemble managed to realize 100 percent of the annual artistic program.  What are your next plans and performances? We have many plans for the coming period. After the trips to Spain, Dubai, Turkey, Hungary, Bulgaria, we are thinking of something special - an important tour for the ensemble. Of course, traditional concerts will continue. The promotion of three monographs is the next upcoming thing, i.e. by "Trio Zajazi", Lorenc Antoni and Gani Grubi. An extremely good job has been done in terms of archiving our artists who have left their mark and we will continue in this direction.  Fatime Fazliji Translated by Dragana Knežević