• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Economic Chamber expects solidarity tax law to be withdrawn

Economic Chamber expects solidarity tax law to be withdrawn

Skopje, 25 September 2023 (MIA) – The Economic Chamber expects the Law on Solidarity Tax to be withdrawn, mainly because it is retroactive, unprincipled and because it doesn’t fulfill its intended goal, said the Chamber’s executive director, Antoni Peshev, in a media statement Monday.

“We expect the Law to be withdrawn, mainly because it is retroactive, unprincipled, and it refers only to a certain group of companies and doesn’t fulfill its intended goal. The companies affected will be the ones who have no relation to the benefit from the energy and Covid crisis,” said Peshev.

Како што истакна Пешев, иако во текот на договарањето со компаниите околу поевтинувањето на производите Владата ветила дека ќе им каже која дата ќе биде земена како репер, тоа не го сторила,

Peshev reiterated the business community’s position, that each law should be adopted in line with the so-called tax calendar.

“The companies need to know three to six months ahead, so they can adapt their work, and not like now, when a law is adopted six months later and after all the companies’ profits have been redistributed. How will you tax them when most of them have foreign investors, and they have withdrawn the funds? We believe that maybe this Law could have been adopted, but earlier, before the deadline,” stressed Peshev.

After the adoption of the Law on Solidarity Tax last week, all economic chambers came out with a reaction, while the Economic Chamber said it will dispute the law in the Constitutional Court.

Photo: MIA Archive