Croatia's Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic visits North Macedonia
- Хрватскиот премиер Андреј Пленковиќ денеска ќе престојува во официјална посета на Северна Македонија. Пленковиќ, кој ќе предводи делегација во која се високи владини претставници за економски прашања и за надворешни работи и членови на хрватскиот Сабор, ќе биде пречекан со највисоки државни и воени почести од страна на премиерот Димитар Ковачевски.
- Post By Magdalena Reed
- 08:00, 5 April, 2023
Skopje, 5 April 2023 (MIA) — Croatia's Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic is paying an official visit to North Macedonia on Wednesday, the government said in a press release. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski will welcome his Croatian counterpart to Skopje with the highest state and military honors.
Prime Minister Plenkovic is leading a delegation of top government representatives and members of the Croatian Parliament.
The welcoming ceremony will be followed by a tête-à-tête meeting between the two prime ministers and a plenary meeting between the government delegations of Croatia and North Macedonia.
The Macedonian delegation will include Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi, Minister of Information Society and Administration Azir Aliu, and Ambassador of North Macedonia to Croatia Milaim Fetai.
PM Plenkovic will also meet with President Stevo Pendarovski and Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi. The Croatian prime minister will address a session in Parliament, as well. mr/