• Saturday, 22 February 2025

Commission gives negative opinion on use of name Tsar Boris III in title of Ohrid-based Bulgarian club

Commission gives negative opinion on use of name Tsar Boris III in title of Ohrid-based Bulgarian club

Skopje, 28 March 2023 (MIA) - The Commission on the Use of Names has given a negative opinion on name Tsar Boris III in the title of the association for promotion of cultural values of Macedonian Bulgarians "Tsar Boris III Ohrid".

The conclusion from today's session of the Commission will be forwarded to the Minister of Justice for a final decision, the Ministry of Justice said in a press release.

The Commission considers that using such name in the association's title causes tensions and intolerance in the Macedonian society.

This figure is responsible for crimes committed during the Bulgarian occupation of Macedonia in World War II and the killing of hundreds of citizens. His collaboration and alliance with the Third Reich, as well as the accentuated antisemitic policy, resulted in the deportation and extermination of thousands of Jews from Macedonia in the Treblinka death camp, reads the press release.

Photo: MIA archive