• Sunday, 29 September 2024

Caca Nikolovska: Rules of procedure adopted unanimously by constitutional changes working group

Caca Nikolovska: Rules of procedure adopted unanimously by constitutional changes working group

Skopje, 19 May 2023 (MIA) – The working group tasked with drafting the initiative for the constitutional amendments unanimously adopted its rules of procedure at a session Friday. The chairwoman of the working group, Margarita Caca Nikolovska, assessed that they have adopted good rules of procedure that will define their work in the future, without entering into discussions that would prolong their work. The body will adopt decisions with a majority of the total number of members.


The rules of procedure will be published on the Justice Ministry’s website over the weekend.


“We don’t have a lot of time. We don’t have set deadlines, but it is important to take into account all the opportunities we have so that the international community can continue to work in line with their agenda, which also includes us,” said Caca Nikolovska.


The head of the group stressed they are working on the basis of Parliament’s conclusions, the Government’s decision, the Ministry of Justice’s conclusions related to the European proposal and the Negotiating Framework for the continuation of the EU accession process, and the goal is to come up with a proposal as soon as possible, so that the country can present the results of the tasks it has undertaken in front of the international community.


On whether other issues related to the Constitution will be raised as well, Caca Nikolovska stressed that there’s no such thing for now, and the group is charged with drafting a document, handing it over to the petitioner, who will then submit it to Parliament.


Asked if the topic of replacing the term “20 percent” in the Constitution with “Albanian language” has been raised, Caca Nikolovska said the mandate of the working group’s members is not unlimited, but is focused on the tasks from the European proposal for the continuation of the EU accession process.


Caca Nikolovska said for now she can’t say how many amendments will be drafted, but that it is necessary to make argument-based decisions which will be offered to the citizens, journalists, but also to certain politicians and individuals who were invited to join the working group but declined.


The discussions will concern the entire Constitution, both the Preamble and the normative section, because, Caca Nikolovska said, the changes to the Preamble will also be reflected in the normative section.


The working group will meet once a week, but, according to its chairwoman, if the need arises the group could also meet more often. The group’s next session has been scheduled for May 26.


The working group held its constitutive session on April 26. It consists of 23 members, ten of which are experts in the field, ten are representatives of political parties and three are representatives of the institutions.


The opposition parties, including VMRO-DPMNE, refused the Government’s invitation to participate in the working group. They are adamant that they are not going to support the changes, and that they will not be adopted by the current parliamentary makeup.


Photo: Printscreen/Ministry of Justice