• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Ahmeti and Sela sign coalition agreement in Gostivar

Ahmeti and Sela sign coalition agreement in Gostivar

Gostivar, 31 March 2024 (MIA) – Ali Ahmeti and Ziadin Sela signed late Saturday a coalition agreement ahead of the upcoming elections.

Spaeking at a rally in Gostivar Ahmeti said party leaders have done a great job. 

"Today I am your big brother watching over you just as in the 2001 war when we had the great Arben Xhaferi. Today we need unity to see a strong YES for Europe and NO for Russia. You people are the voice of our Front, we are not letting you down, but we will lift you up," Ahmeti told Saturday's rally in Gostivar. 

He said that on April 24 the coalition will win a big victory with presidential candidate Bujar Osmani, and on May 8 the coalition will secure victory for joining the European Union.

Али Ахмети од Гостивар порача дека ова е местото за враќање на спомените од минатото, бидејќи како што рече со лидерите на другите партии направиле голема работа.

Ahmeti underlined that a peaceful campaign is needed, adding that the 'European Front' has the largest human capital that will move the processes forward together with the Turks, the Roma, the Bosniaks.

Ziadin Sela welcomed the large number of participants in the rally, pointing out that it is the exact reason behind joining the 'European Front'. 

"The feeling is wonderful. We have a sense of purpose and intention to accomplish something, to unite Albanians, restore the trust of the people, of our revivalists who showed us that the path we need to take is the West and the European Union. We are not together against anyone, because politics and its organization are not done out of anger, but with love for the nation, the language, the future generations. Together we will support the joint presidential candidate, Bujar Osmani," said Sela.

Presidential candidate Bujar Osmani addressed the rally in Gostivar, noting that it is a historic moment in the path towards joining the European Union.