• Monday, 23 September 2024

ABNA-SE website launched

ABNA-SE website launched

Skopje, 2 October 2023 (MIA) - The website of the Association of Balkan News Agencies-Southeast Europe (ABNA-SE) https://abnase.com, including the Media Information Agency-MIA has been launched.

ABNA-SE brings together 12 news agencies from Southeast Europe - ATA (Albania), FENA (Bosnia and Herzegovina), BTA (Bulgaria), HINA (Croatia), CNA (Cyprus), AMNA (Greece), Kosovapress (Kosovo), MINA (Montenegro), MIA (North Macedonia), Agerpres (Romania), Anadolu (Turkey), and ANSA (Italy).

AMNA is the Association's current chair, with Anadolu set to take over in 2024. Next year's general assembly will take place in Istanbul, where the 2025 chair will be elected. MIA is currently the only candidate for the 2025 presidency.

The idea of creating ABNA-SE emerged at a meeting of Balkan news agencies in Sofia in 1994, whereas the founding assembly took place in Thessaloniki in June 1995. At the 30th ABNA-SE General Assembly in Burgas on 19 September 2022, Bulgaria was selected to host the Association. The resolution was adopted unanimously by representatives of news agencies from 11 countries. The forum also adopted a Statute of ABNA, which follows the principles enshrined in the Statute of the European Association of News Agencies (EANA).

Besides cooperation and exchange of news and other press materials, ABNA-SE members are also collaborating in the fight against disinformation.

Photo: ABNA-SE screenshot