• Sunday, 23 February 2025

Zaev: SDSM got ‘yellow card’ from citizens, new course set by people

Zaev: SDSM got ‘yellow card’ from citizens, new course set by people
Skopje, 20 October 2021 (MIA) – SDSM got a ‘yellow card’ from citizens and getting a red one depends on how well we’ll listen to them. Dear citizens, I’m asking you to give the country a chance to move forward instead of going back. I’m asking you to unite around this clear, common goal. For the sake of everything we’ve achieved, I’m asking you to unite in the face of risk of backsliding, Prime Minister and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev said during a press conference on Wednesday. He thanked the partners from the government coalition for reiterating that they are staying on the democratic and European path and stressing commitment to ensuring the country moves forward. “In moments like these, clear and publicly-expressed commitment to staying united in meeting citizens’ expectations and ensuring a better future for our people is very important. Misinformation circulating in the past few days on new majorities have been cleared. Today, we have a clear confirmation of a  stable and united government majority and a coalition that guides our society forward – strong and united. We continue to work together in the best interest of citizens. But, we have a new challenge ahead. Citizens sent clear criticism, which we heard, understood and will act on,” Zaev stressed. He underlined that SDSM is aware that citizens won’t tolerate the same mistakes. “This is a party that listens to people and doesn’t walk on them. SDSM learns, changes, fixes its mistakes so that it can ensure swift progress of the country and better lives for citizens. SDSM on Monday started redefining and promoting its channels for interaction and communication with citizens. Starting now, SDSM will follow a new course set by the people and SDSM will change,” the party leader concluded.