• Sunday, 23 February 2025

Xhaferi: Police inspected damage, Krmov will have to pay

Xhaferi: Police inspected damage, Krmov will have to pay

Skopje, 21 November 2023 (MIA) — The police inspected the damage to Parliament after the incident caused by Levica MPs during the 131st parliamentary session ahead of the vote on the new Rules of Procedure on Monday evening, Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi told MIA.


According to Xhaferi, prosecutors should launch a probe into the incident either after receiving the police report or watching the recording of the live broadcast from the parliamentary session.


Xhaferi also said Levica MP Borislav Krmov, who broke a monitor and other inventory at the speaker's table during the session, would be ordered to pay for the damage done at the Plenary Hall.

"Any employee who causes damage at work should pay for it," Xhaferi said.


- Në Kuvend përsëri është ndërprerë seanca e 131-të në të cilën deputetët deklarohen për amandamentet e parashtruara të deputetëve për Propozim Rregulloren e Kuvendit. Në mesin e tyre janë ed

While Plenary Hall repairs are ongoing, sessions will be held in the Great Dome Hall, including the session that will be addressed by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg later on Tuesday, Xhaferi said.


During the amendment debate on Monday, Levica MPs started scattering papers with their amendments to the Rules of Procedure and throwing them at the Deputy Parliament Speaker Goran Misovski who chaired the session.


After Krmov broke the monitor on the speaker's table, Levica MP Dimitar Apasiev joined him. mr/