• Saturday, 28 September 2024

Works on Corridor 8 construction project begin

Works on Corridor 8 construction project begin

Skopje, 12 September 2023 (MIA) — Works on the Corridor 8 construction project begin near the village of Gorna Banjica on Tuesday with rock blasting to level the area for the 30.1-kilometer highway between Gostivar and Bukojchani.


First Deputy Prime Minister and Corridors 8 and 10d Construction Coordinator Artan Grubi is set to attend the start of works done by the US-Turkish consortium Bechtel and Enka.


He will be joined by Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoj Bochvarski and State Roads Public Enterprise director Ejup Rustemi.


На американско-турскиот конзорциум „Бехтел и Енка“ му се одобрени 15 милијарди денари односно 243 милиони евра за проектот за коридорите 8 и 10д, средства што се предвидени со буџетот на Мини


Bechtel and Enka has been granted 243 million euros from the national budget for building the highway sections Tetovo – Gostivar, Gostivar - Bukojchani, Trebenishta – Struga – Kjafasan on Corridor 8 and the Prilep – Bitola highway section on Corridor 10d.


The consortium has so far been paid two tranches: of 117 million euros and 53 million euros, in line with the 2023 Road Infrastructure Financing Program for the construction of Corridor 8 and Corridor 10d. mr/