• Tuesday, 25 March 2025

VMRO-DPMNE submits 40 amendments to laws on strategic energy investments

VMRO-DPMNE submits 40 amendments to laws on strategic energy investments

Skopje, 5 March 2024 (MIA) - The VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group and the coalition said Tuesday they will submit 40 amendments and undertake all procedural, democratic and parliamentary procedures to prevent the adoption of laws on strategic energy investments, which they believe are criminal.


"SDSM's desperation is still present during their last days in office. Today, at the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Affairs, it once again tried to push the adoption of laws on strategic energy investments. These laws would cause decades of damage to Macedonia's energy sector, and serve to fill the pockets of SDSM's management," said VMRO-DPMNE MP Bojan Stojanovski.


According to him, Dimitar Kovachevski, Mile Zechevikj and Fatmir Bytyqi follow their own lucrative interests, while the citizens pay 50 percent more for electricity.


Stojanovski noted that the Government withdrew these laws, and despite remarks from experts, the public and Ministry of Economy, it submitted the same texts again, this time with other signatories, i.e. ministers Fatmir Bytyqi and Kaja Shukova.


"Adopting such laws would give investors a privileged position and put the country in a subordinate position, which is impermissible according to our constitution, and will suspend a series of laws that apply to all other in the legal transactions," Stojanovski pointed out.


He also announced that VMRO-DPMNE will submit 40 amendments, including remarks made by various experts, which, if adopted and inserted into the laws, would guarantee their standard implementation.ssh/nn/


Photo: MIA archive