• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Toxic fumes warning after fire breaks out at warehouse near Tetovo

Toxic fumes warning after fire breaks out at warehouse near Tetovo

Tetovo, 22 November 2023 (MIA) - After a fire broke out at the "Evrokom" warehouse in the Falishe village near Tetovo, paint, varnish and other types of chemicals were caught up in the blaze, urging authorities to advise restriction of movement in that area, and instruct local residents to stay indoors with their windows closed. According to experts, the burning of such chemicals can release toxic fumes and harmful gases in the air.


"Right now we have carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, firefighters are exposed. Dioxins and furans are dangerous compounds, harmful substances. Our recommendation is that people keep away from this area and stay indoors within a two kilometers radius unless essential to leave the house. Water and soil will be examined afterward," said Ratko Davidovski from the Public Health Center whose team was at the scene of the fire. 


Crisis Management Center (CMC) director Stojanche Angelov noted that he requested the help of the Army to investigate the extent of pollution as soon as possible, due to the large quantities of chemical compounds that caught fire.


Од Центарот за управување со кризи информираат дека се преземени повеќе координативни активности од страна на нивниот директор Стојанче Ангелов за да се помогне во гаснење на пожарот во магац


"I spoke with the owner, and it is a large quantity of paint, varnish and other chemicals, maybe 100 tons, at this moment they cannot determine the exact quantity. I asked the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning for a mobile station to determine air quality, but they have no such equipment. We contacted the Army at the department of biological and chemical weapons, which we called last time there was a big fire, to test the presence of toxic fumes in the air," Angelov said.


Tetovo firefighting unit commander Avni Ameti said the fire was prevented from spreading to other facilities close to warehouse, and it is now contained.


The warehouse caught fire Wednesday morning around 10 am. ssh/nn/


Photo: CMC, MIA