• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Top officials extend Kurban Bayram greetings

Top officials extend Kurban Bayram greetings

Skopje, 28 June 2023 (MIA) - President Stevo Pendarovski congratulated Kurban Bayram on Wednesday to the Head of the Islamic Religious Community, Reis ul Ulema Haji Shakir Efendi Fetai, and all members of the Islamic community.

"Allow me to extend to all citizens of the Islamic faith in the Republic of North Macedonia, my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the Eid al-Adha holiday. I wish you spend the holidays in harmony, unity and prosperity, helping everyone who needs help, support and understanding. Let Kurban Bayram, a holiday based on solidarity and generosity, be an incentive to all citizens to jointly overcome the challenges in our multi-ethnic society. In the spirit of the holiday let us continue to build our country on the basis of understanding, coexistence, and care for others," President Pendarovski said.

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi also extended Kurban Bayram greetings to all members of the Islamic community, hoping they all find themselves in good health, peace of mind and surrounded by family, wherever they are.

"Kurban Bayram is a holiday of solidarity and compassion, a holiday of generosity and forgiveness, sharing and self-investment, of understanding and respect between people. And this year may Eid al-Adha fill the hearts of people with the happiness it brings. On this great day, let us share our meals, and everything we've got with those close and those far from us, those we know and those we don't, those who have more and those who have less. In times of turmoil that all of humanity and our country is going through, let's not allow ourselves to go through ours and other people's battles and challenges alone; let's unite and overcome all challenges and difficulties we come across. Let's celebrate life together and build a joint future, because we all are an inalienable part of this soil. Happy Kurban Bayram and let us celebrate is for many years to come," Xhaferi stated.

Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski also sent a congratulatory message for Kurban Bayram.

"Marking this holiday, a symbol of solidarity and well-being, is in the spirit of our centuries-old coexistence that we have been building for generations. It reminds us all of the meaning and greatness of sharing, love and mutual respect for others," reads the PM’s greeting.

The message emphasizes that only together and united we can overcome any challenge, and to continue to nurture and protecting society as one society for all. ssh/ik/