• Friday, 07 March 2025

Students interested in studying medicine, Faculty of Medicine numbers over 900 candidates

Students interested in studying medicine, Faculty of Medicine numbers over 900 candidates

Skopje, 2 October 2023 (MIA) - Interest in studying medicine is high among students. In 2023, 700 students were enrolled out of 950 candidates.


"This year, as before, the interest to study at our faculty remains high, which is also proven by the number of candidates enrolled this year. Out of 900 candidates, 710 students got enrolled, 265 in general medicine, and 445 in undergraduate studies," newly appointed dean at the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje, Svetozar Antovikj, said on Monday marking the beginning of the academic year.


Ever since its establishment, a total of 27,242 students have been enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine, 12,361 have graduated and obtained the professional title of Doctor of Medicine, while 2,699 have an undergraduate degree.


According to Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, who attended the first academic class event, there is no and there will be no shortage of healthcare workforce in the country.  


"You have chosen a humane profession, which requires lots of studying and personal sacrifices in the name of others. That is something to be congratulated for, and I personally want to congratulate you on your choice. I also want to thank you, because tomorrow you will be the ones taking care of your fellow citizens' health," Kovachevski said.



He also thanked the educational and professional staff at the Faculty, as well as all the other faculties and universities in North Macedonia, for their commitment to the country's development.


"That is why I invite you to create a country full of successful and happy people who are going to build their futures in their home country. A country of ambitious people, people who want to do more, not people who will complain that someone is stopping them from doing more," Kovachevski said.


He added that people are the most important resource for the development of any country.


"Development means economic growth. It also means improving the quality of life for people. It means better healthcare, education, social stability, chance for personal improvement, perspectives - at home. Which is why, as a Government, we invest in human capital. The quality of higher education is of key importance, which is promoted through cooperation with universities and our strategic partners within the EU and United States," the PM noted.



He pointed out that 500 scholarships will be awarded to students of medicine, natural sciences, technological and biotechnical sciences, and that they are already working on supplying EUR 25 million for reconstructing student housing in Skopje, Prilep, Bitola, Shtip and Ohrid.


"After three decades, the Government finally decided to resolve the issue of students' quality of life. I expect investment activities to begin this year," Kovachevski stressed.



Minister of Health Fatmir Mexhiti also congratulated students. 


"We are focused on strengthening all areas of the healthcare system, beginning with the staff. We have a clear goal, as a Ministry, to motivate and improve work conditions for doctors, especially young doctors," Mexhiti said.



Minister of Education and Science Jeton Shaqiri noted that the choice made by future students of medicine is right, and based on humanity.


Rector of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Biljana Angelova wished a successful start to the new school year at the oldest, largest, best and most renowned university in North Macedonia. 


"Here you will meet top experts who possess not only professional, but also individual and academic qualities, who will enable you to have a successful career in medicine and healthcare. The Faculty of Medicine as one of the oldest higher education institutions in the country has a responsibility to maintain the quality of education and pass on knowledge on to the younger generations," Angelova noted. ssh/nn/


Photo: MIA