Speaker Gashi says Grubi case a matter for law enforcement
- Interethnic relations in the country have been fragile since the country's independence and we always have to pay large attention to these topics. I am a big proponent of the idea to bring our people together and stregthen interethnic relations, and we should all work on this, says Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi.

Skopje, 30 December 2024 (MIA) - Interethnic relations in the country have been fragile since the country's independence and we always have to pay large attention to these topics. I am a big proponent of the idea to bring our people together and stregthen interethnic relations, and we should all work on this, says Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi.
Speaker Gashi told Kanal 5 that he is not dwelling on the whereabouts of former deputy prime minister Artan Grubi.
"This is a matter for law enforcement. I saw a statement by his leader that he knows (where he is), so he should be summoned and give answers to the law enforcement authorities," says Gashi.
Regarding responsibility for Grubi's escape, the Speaker says "we should look closely because this has happened on several occasions".
"Unfortunately, a lot of people belonging to a certain political party still hold positions after a power transfer, and such information leak. If there is a legal problem, we should look into it, whether someone made a mistake, and if so, then they should be held responsible," says Gashi.
Asked about the odds for the constitutional amendments to happen in 2025, he says this was not a requirement in their election programme.
"It was mentioned in statements but it was not part of the Worth It election programme. We said we would invest efforts into making the changes as soon as possible. We are doing this. The parliamentary majority has a joint position on this, we seek guarantees and believe they will be provided. Otherwise, if we face another veto based on ethnic and identity issues after the constitutional changes, the country's EU integration process could drag on," says Gashi and adds that he expects the constitutional revision to take place soon, while noting this depends on several political factors.
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