• Saturday, 15 March 2025

Skopje hosts regional expert meeting on Cluster 1 - Fundamentals

Skopje hosts regional expert meeting on Cluster 1 - Fundamentals

Skopje, 12 December 2024 (MIA) - Skopje is hosting on Thursday the fourth regional expert meeting on Cluster 1 - Fundamentals, as part of the project "Let Justice Rule the Region" supported by the MATRA programme of the Netherlands. The event is a platform uniting regional civic initiatives focused on the rule of law and other key issues within the Cluster. 

The aim is to encourage a structured expert dialogue between institutions, the civil society, the business community, academia and others, through exchange of experience and knowledge on vital issues from Cluster 1 – Fundamentals. Project partners include the National Convention on European Union in Serbia, European Movement in Albania and European Movement in the Republic of North Macedonia.

"This meeting is a follow-up to the previous three expert meetings held in each of the countries mentioned. In this context, the project highlights topics from the reform agenda within the EU Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and the European Union's Rule of Law Mechanism. As in previous meetings, it is expected to produce a document with comparable results and concrete policy recommendations, which will be forwarded to key actors in the European Union accession process," the European Movement in the Republic of North Macedonia said in a press release. 

The meeting concludes the annual activities of the National Convention on the European Union in North Macedonia (NCEU-MK), supported by the Delegation of the European Union and SlovakAid, and the Regional Initiative "Let Justice Rule the Region", supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands (MATRA).

Head of the Public Security Bureau Aleksandar Janev, Director of the Directorate for European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Andrej Lepavcov, and National Coordinator of NCEU-MK, Mileva Gjurovska, are to address the meeting. 

 Photo: MIA archive