• Thursday, 23 January 2025

Reforms in judicial and prosecutors' councils a challenge, aim is full autonomy of legal system: VMRO-DPMNE leader

Reforms in judicial and prosecutors' councils a challenge, aim is full autonomy of legal system: VMRO-DPMNE leader

Skopje, 16 May 2024 (MIA) - Reforms in the Judicial Council and the Council of Public Prosecutors will be our main challenge. We aim to dissolve all those who reduced the trust in the legal system to single-digit percentages, so that judges and prosecutors can elect their own representatives by a secret vote, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in his address at the Macedonia 2025 Summit.

Mickoski said the VMRO-DPMNE-led government neither intends to nominate its people through law changes, not interfere in the two bodies.

"We also want to secure an independent budget tied to the national one, thus ensuring their full independence, so that politicians are not used as an excuse by those corrupt individuals in the judiciary and the prosecutor's offices of putting pressure. They will elect and operate by themselves, and we will carry out oversight through the Parliament's committee comprised of representatives from the ruling and opposition parties," said Mickoski.

According to him, the aim is to have full autonomy of the legal system.

"Nevertheless, if we detect any influence from former political elites or other points of influence, they will be held criminally responsible. We do not intend to back down," said Mickoski.

On the economy, the VMRO-DPMNE leader reiterated that strong development for the prosperity of the country and its citizens will be top priority.

"Business and economic development will be a priority of the future government, because the support we got from the citizens obligates us to apply this in action. Over the past three decades, fairytales were told in Macedonia, things that did not depend solely on us. The government's objective is to talk about the things that depend on us. We will not talk about fairytales and miracles but the reality that we will build together with our Macedonians across the globe," said Mickoski.