• Tuesday, 21 January 2025

PM Zaev, government coalition partners meet over Alternativa agreement

PM Zaev, government coalition partners meet over Alternativa agreement
Skopje, 6 December 2021 (MIA) – Prime Minister Zoran Zaev met Monday with parties of the Government coalition and briefed them on the agreement reached with Alternativa over its involvement in the executive. NSDP leader Tito Petkovski told reporters after the meeting that discussions focused on the coalition’s activities to prevent the country going into early parliamentary elections. “I believe that Macedonia currently doesn’t need snap elections and the enlargement of the parliamentary majority with four lawmakers is a good thing,” said Petkovski. According to him, ALternativa seized the moment when the Government needed help and put forward “maximalist” demands, putting the party interest to the forefront in order to gain political profit and offices. “If you see what is being offered in exchange for an enlarged parliamentary majority, an evaluator would say that Alternativa is asking for a lot from SDSM and the coalition. However, these posts were held by other political parties until now – SDSM, DUI, BESA and DPA. No posts are being invented. The PM and Alternativa will provide detailed explanations,” said Petkovski. He added that the most important thing for NSDP was an enlarged parliamentary majority and a Government having proper support. Miroslav Jovanovikj of Srpska Stranka said talks would last for another week. “After SDSM elects its leader on December 12, we will sit down with the PM and agree on all details. I believe that all aspects are to be agreed around December 14,” said Jovanovikj.