• Wednesday, 02 October 2024

Pendarovski from Athens: Mutual efforts to bring closer our nations are genuine

Pendarovski from Athens: Mutual efforts to bring closer our nations are genuine
Skopje, 5 October 2021 (MIA) — President Stevo Pendarovski giving a toast to the Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou at an official dinner in his honor at the Presidential Palace in Athens, Greece, said all meetings he had attended earlier in the day convinced him even more that the efforts of both countries to become closer were sincere. According to MIA’s Athens correspondent, President Pendarovski said he was honored to be the first president of North Macedonia to ever visit Greece in this capacity and said a new era of bilateral cooperation had begun three years ago with the signing of the Prespa Agreement, “which helped us solve a complicated issue in our relations." “The agreement was a difficult step for both countries,” the President said, “but we achieved it in the interest of our common future.” After the Prespa Agreement, he noted, North Macedonia had joined NATO, "where we are now formal allies, committed to promoting and defending common values" in the service of regional and Euro-Atlantic stability and prosperity. “We've achieved visible results in a short period of time despite all the challenges,” he added. “There is almost no sphere where we have no common interest to make progress in. I’m deeply convinced we'll increase the volume of trade and investment in the near future. “All these past years, our two business communities maintained their ties. It’s time we created better conditions for them to cooperate even better.” “Let me sincerely thank you once again for the continuous Greek support for the process of integration of the Republic of North Macedonia into the European Union, where despite all the blockades we face, you are our consistent supporter and promoter,” the President said. He said he had so many topics to talk about with Greek President Sakellaropoulou that he truly wished to see her in Skopje as soon as possible, inviting her to visit North Macedonia to see the country’s natural beauty and continue their constructive conversation. “Ms. Sakellaropoulou,” Pendarovski said in his toast to the Greek President, “let your presidential term contribute to the further progress of your country. I assure you that on our part we are ready to work with dedication for the prosperity and eternal friendship between our two nations.” Greek government ministers and a representative of the opposition Syriza party also attended the dinner, MIA’s Athens correspondent reports. mr/