• Sunday, 20 October 2024

Parliament's Commission for Political System to hold session on bill to reorganize state bodies

Parliament's Commission for Political System to hold session on bill to reorganize state bodies

Skopje, 7 June 2024 (MIA) – The Commission for Political System and Relations between the Communities, being the main working body, and the Legislative Commission should hold a session on the proposed bill amending the law on organization and work of state bodies, put forward by MP and VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski. The Commission for Political System will hold a session at 6 pm.

At Friday’s session, 74 MPs voted to support the passage of the bill in a fast-tracked procedure, whereas 24 were against providing support. Levica and SDSM MPs demanded the proposed amendments be withdrawn saying that such systemic laws shouldn’t be passed in fast-tracked procedure. 

Mickoski, who yesterday received the mandate for the formation of a new government, seeking support for the amendments said they are necessary to reform the administration and to implement efficient policies and decisions leading to better living standards, higher pay, higher pensions, better education, efficient social protection, developed economy and agriculture. “To do this, we need improved organization of the government,” he stated. 

According to the bill, the labor segment will be added to the ministry of economy and the ministry of labor and social policy will become a ministry of social policy, demographics and youth. The Agency for Youth and Sports will no longer exist because a ministry for sports will be established. Some duties of the economy ministry in relation to mining and energy will be added to the duties of the new ministry for energy, mining and raw materials, whereas the sector for tourism will be added to the new ministry of culture and tourism. Also, a ministry for digitization will be established, which will succeed the duties of the former ministry of information technology and administration. A new ministry for administration will be also set up according to the amendments. 

Photo: Printscreen