• Saturday, 22 February 2025

Parliament to discuss Friday draft amendments on Law on the Organization and Operation of State Administration Bodies

Parliament to discuss Friday draft amendments on  Law on the Organization and Operation of State Administration Bodies

Skopje, 5 June 2024 (MIA) — Parliament will hold its second session Friday, when lawmakers are set to discuss draft amendments to the Law on the Organization and Operation of State Administration Bodies in a fast-tracked procedure proposed by VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski.

The parliamentary session will also verify lawmakers' terms of office, including that of the MP candidate from the Sixth Electoral District Imrlije Saliu-Fetai after the revote at several polling stations on May 22.


Протоколот што вчера го потпишаа министерот за надворешни работи Бујар Османи и неговата колешка од Бугарија Теодора Генчовска е дипломатски нокаут и капитулација, смета лидерот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ

According to the official proposal, the draft amendments to the Law on the Organization and Operation of State Administration Bodies are aimed at improving the work of the government ministries and state administration bodies by "adapting their work to the modern needs of the state administration, especially focusing on energy, mineral resources, mining, and sports." 

The VMRO-DPMNE-proposed changes, according to Mickoski, would lead to the state becoming more efficient. mr/