• Sunday, 09 March 2025

Parliament adopts law amendments over construction of Corridors VIII and Xd motorways

Parliament adopts law amendments over construction of Corridors VIII and Xd motorways

Skopje, 26 May 2023 (MIA) - The Parliament adopted Friday the amendments to the five laws related to the realization of the Bechtel-Enka agreement on construction of four motorway sections within Corridors VIII and Xd.

Amendments to the laws on labor relations, expropriation, building, urban planning and nominating a strategic partner for implementation of the project of construction of Corridors VIII and Xd were adopted in expedited procedure.

VMRO-DPMNE whip Nikola Micevski said the party would vote against the law amendments, so it is noted that the Government's biggest project "is covered by suspicions of abuse and possible crime of unseen proportions while using taxpayer's money, whereas the procedures of adopting these laws will be processed by competent institutions upon the change of power in Macedonia".

The Government passed the law amendments on May 5 and EU-flagged them (requiring fast-track procedure) after opposition lawmakers filibustered the amendments initially submitted by a group of MPs.

The ruling authorities claim that the law amendments will ensure faster, more efficient and cheaper construction of the four motorway sections along Corridors VIII and Xd, noting that the state should complete the Corridor VIII construction after its recent incorporation in the map of European corridors.

The amendments to the law on labor relations were the most contested during the debate, since they provide the option of overtime work of more than eight hours a week and more than 190 hours a year, in cases of national and strategic interest for the country, upon prior consent given by the worker.

"Due to the nature of the tasks within construction works of national interest, there might be a need for work on Sunday. Workers are protected in line with the Law on Labor Relations and each overtime hour will be paid according to the law and the collective agreement. In addition, workers have the right to daily and weekly rest," said the Government in the elaboration of the law amendments.

Photo: MIA archive