• Friday, 25 October 2024

Parliament adopts amendments to Electoral Code and Law on Higher Education

Parliament adopts amendments to Electoral Code and Law on Higher Education

Skopje, 7 March 2024 (MIA) – At a session Thursday, the Parliament of North Macedonia adopted the amendments to the Law on Higher Education and the Electoral Code in a fast-track procedure.

DUI MP Arber Ademi said the amendments to the Law on Higher Education will equalize the wages at all state universities, ensuring an equal status for the employees.

The amendments to the Electoral Code were also approved in a fast-track procedure without a discussion. The goal of the amendments, according to SDSM MP Martin Kostovski is to further specify the provisions of the existing legislation in order to ensure an inclusive electoral process for all participants in the elections.

They also further specify the provisions related to the registration of voters by removing the limits on the basis of expired identification documents, and clarify the procedure for the registration of persons that will turn 18 between the two election rounds

A transitional provision in the amendment is set to allow voters whose ID cards or passports expired 9 months before the day of the elections to vote.

The amendments also oblige the public broadcaster and other national televisions to broadcast content related to the election process in a format that would be accessible to people with disabilities, by using sign language, captions, audio descriptions and other accessibility tools.

Both motions were approved with a majority of total MPs and a majority of votes of MPs from minority communities in the country that were present at the session.

Photo: MIA Archive