• Saturday, 22 February 2025

No topic so far expanding set of issues discussed in terms of constitutional amendments, says Marichikj

No topic so far expanding set of issues discussed in terms of constitutional amendments, says Marichikj

Skopje, 2 May 2023 (MIA) - The dynamics in the working group on constitutional amendments should be shared by its members, but what I know is that so far there is no topic expanding the set of issues discussed in terms of constitutional amendments. The more strictly we adhere to the obligations from the negotiating framework, the better, Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj said in response to a reporter's question at the launch of a campaign for the IPARD III programme on Tuesday. 


Marichikj believes there are enough elements in both the Constitution and in the conclusions of the Parliament to protect the language and identity. According to him, the protection of the language and the identity has so far been brought into play. 


"However, the representatives and the experts have a legitimate right to open issues and discuss. Even the opposition that did not nominate its representatives for the working group has a legitimate right to open such issues. We are ready for dialogue on this topic," Marichikj told reporters when asked whether the constitutional amendments include any additional changes to the Preamble. 


Динамиката во работната група за уставните измени треба да ја споделат колегите кои се таму, но она што знам е дека до сега нема тема со која се шири сетот на прашања кои се разговараат за ус


As regards Tuesday's meeting with Sweden's Minister for European Union Affairs and Minister for Nordic Cooperation, Jessika Roswall, the Deputy PM noted that Roswall stressed the Swedish EU Presidency's interest and attention in terms of developments in North Macedonia, the reforms, the screening process, as well as the process of constitutional amendments. 


"I told Roswall that the working group on constitutional amendments has begun activities, and we expect its work to continue in the coming period and give results in a short time. Of course, I asked her if she has the opportunity, to talk to all the political actors who bear responsibility for this process to end the year successfully and to send a clear message to all the actors that our obligations are defined by the negotiating framework and that there is no time nor space to negotiate again on that topic," said Marichikj.


Photo: Printscreen