• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

No public transport in Skopje on Friday as JSP staff demand payment of January wages

No public transport in Skopje on Friday as JSP staff demand payment of January wages

Skopje, 15 February 2024 (MIA) – Representatives of the unions at the Public Transport Enterprise (JSP) told reporters Thursday that buses in Skopje won’t operate on Friday, with staff demanding their January wages be paid.


“Skopje will be left without public transport starting at 4:30am,” underlined union leaders Mikjo Stojanovski and Afrim Mucha.


Back in January, employees at the public enterprise put the city’s public transport on hold after failing to receive their December wages. As a result, the Council of the City of Skopje held an extraordinary session during which it approved EUR 11 million in subsidies to the enterprise, with the goal of ensuring payment of the workers’ wages.


Photo: MIA