• Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Murtezani: Cohesion policy as a pillar of European integration, driver of change

Murtezani: Cohesion policy as a pillar of European integration, driver of change

Skopje, 11 December 2024 (MIA) - The commitment to promote cooperation, build bridges and take down barriers created by borders is at the foundation of the European project. It is also the fundamental task of the cohesion policy, as a pillar of the European integration and driver of changes, said Minister of European Affairs Orhan Murtezani at Wednesday's closing conference of the project “EU support for the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) in North Macedonia”.

According to the Ministry of European Affairs, Murtezani stressed that cooperation is the “heart and essence” of solidarity, promoting mutual understanding and sustainable regional development. He touched upon numerous cross border cooperation programs.

“Their establishment and constant promotion are a clear indicator that territorial cooperation is a serious driving force in terms of economic, social and territorial cohesion,” Murtezani said, adding that the conference is being at a key moment, when discussions about the future of territorial cooperation after 2027 are in full force. 

Wednesday's conference is a part of the project “EU support for the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) in North Macedonia” funded by the European Commission and implemented by the Ministry of European Affairs. As part of the project, eight regional and three thematic events with around 400 participants have been held with the goal of promoting macro-regional strategies. 

“The macro-regional strategies don’t have their own sources of funds, which is why their inclusion in future financial instruments of the EU is key. In that context, the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG-NEAR) plays a strategic role. The revised Action Plan for the Strategy establishes prerequisites for better integration in territorial cooperation, while our upcoming chairpersonship with the Strategy will provide a new impetus for its promotion,” Murtezani said.

The Minister said the programs for territorial cooperation offer unique opportunities for tackling joint challenges and building capacities at all levels, but, he said, additional engagement is necessary in terms of aligning the legislation, drafting national strategies and strengthening capacities, especially on a local level.  

Photo: Ministry of European Affairs