Mickoski: We don't have platform against Albanians, we fight against party profiteers and criminals
- DUI’s rhetoric is changing into being militant in order to create ethnic tensions as it is losing power and because its members should be held responsible for committing crime, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said at Thursday’s Q&A session responding to a question by DUI MP Arbana Pasholi, who accused the government of implementing “a platform against Albanians”.

Skopje, 28 November 2024 (MIA) – DUI’s rhetoric is changing into being militant in order to create ethnic tensions as it is losing power and because its members should be held responsible for committing crime, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said at Thursday’s Q&A session responding to a question by DUI MP Arbana Pasholi, who accused the government of implementing “a platform against Albanians”.
“This is not a platform against Albanians, this is a platform against party profiteers and criminals regardless of their ethnicity if they are suspected of crime,” he said.
In his response, PM Mickoski accused DUI members of being suspected of abuse of office and crime committed in the past 20 years while being in power.
“I regret that you passed amendments to the criminal code by using the EU flag [for fast-tracked procedure], which has allowed many of those people not to be held accountable. It is the reason why you passed the changes to the criminal law in order to protect them. Now, they are creating ethnic tensions. We won’t allow it because we are a responsible government that cares for all of its citizens across Macedonia,” stressed Mickoski.
On MP Pasholi’s accusation that the initiative for reconsideration of the languages law in the Constitutional Court aims to dispute the use of Albanian in the country, Mickoski responded that Constitutional Court justices were elected during the former SDSM-DUI government.
“They [justices] are in the Constitutional Court after nominating them together with your coalition partner SDSM and the ruling majority. VMRO-DPMNE was against.”
MP Pasholi said she was disappointed with the PM’s response. “You didn’t say clearly that you have nothing against the use of Albanian… If you blackmail the rights of Albanians, you put the future of North Macedonia in danger,” stated the MP.
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