• Saturday, 19 October 2024

Mickoski says people expect results, won't tolerate dishonesty and failures

Mickoski says people expect results, won't tolerate dishonesty and failures

Skopje, 22 June 2024 (MIA) - Addressing Saturday's government election session in Parliament, PM-designate Hristijan Mickoski announced restoring trust in institutions, eliminating corruption and crime, as well as economic recovery, noting that the time is coming when the homeland should do more for every citizen. 

Presenting the new government agenda, Mickoski announced a new investment deal of more than EUR 400 million starting Tuesday, tax reduction and pension and wage increase, an uncompromising fight against corruption and crime, building good relations with neighbours and nurturing interethnic relations.

"The work of all nominated candidates for public offices will be subject to constant review and evaluation and there will only be a place for those with a clear will, who are dedicated to the state and the people and to the fulfilment of the program, and who will be close to the people and have clear, moral and professional compass. I understand that mistakes are possible, but mistakes will be corrected because the dynamics I am planning are intense, the pace will be strong because the people expect results from us, the responsibility we have is huge. It is about our honour. I will not tolerate dishonesty and failures. Those who will not be able to deal with it should say it without feeling bad about it, and the post will be changed or reconstructed. This applies to all officials who will be appointed by our coalition, regardless of which party they come from," said Mickoski. 

He noted that he will ask from everyone to do their utmost as quick results are needed.

"According to the knowledge we have, the situation in the country is close to clinical death in several key areas, devastated beyond recognition, with institutions brought to the brink of literal ruin and unprecedented dysfunctionality. The public will be informed about everything, and I'm not saying this with the intention of making excuses or crying over the bad situation, but because we will respond decisively, because this generation has no option of failure, and together we will have to take great steps forward. I announce a furious start of projects and new investments immediately. In fact, we didn't rest for a single second in the past period," Mickoski said. 

He told the opposition that he extends a hand and is ready for talks on all open and important issues. 

"I will treat your proposals with due respect and don't expect political rants because I won't waste my time on what you did. But there will be accountability for every crime," said Mickoski. 

He added that the government will remain committed to European integration and will work diligently to align policies with European standards, promoting the goal of full-fledged membership in the European Union.

"We continue to stand together with our EU partners, and together we will align the common foreign policy with the EU. Support for Ukraine to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity continues," Mickoski noted.

Central to the government's mission, he added, will be economic recovery, announcing a strong cycle of economic growth, fuelled by stable public finances, support for a competitive private sector, and significant investments in innovation and IT.

"We must achieve annual GDP growth of up to 5 percent. Low annual inflation rate, no more than 2.0%-2.5%. Reduction of unemployment to 7.5%. That is, opening 55,000 new jobs. We will cut taxes. We will ensure that every child goes to kindergarten. Investments in the infrastructure of over EUR 2 billion in 4 years, completing the Kichevo-Ohrid highway, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the railway Corridor 10 and purchase of trains, as well as EUR 250 million of capital investments in the municipalities. We will work on decentralization. We will set up a special fund for top science through which we will catch up with world research centres, rebuild and renovate schools, increase wages in education in accordance with the Collective Agreement, increase the budget in education, strong investments in health and new hospitals and many other things. And finally, accountability and a front against corruption, examine the assets of judges, prosecutors and officials," Mickoski said. 

The debate on the election of the new government is ongoing. The Parliament's Rules of Procedures stipulates that the government election session will last two days at most.

President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps are also attending the session.  

The new government is to have 20 ministries, four more than before. The government motion includes 24 ministers coming from the VMRO-DPMNE-led coalition "Your Macedonia", the "Worth It" coalition, and ZNAM. With the approval of the new government composition in the Parliament, Hristijan Mickoski will be the 13th prime minister, and will lead the 20th government since the country's independence. 

Photo: MIA