Mickoski: Mayors should not turn into local rulers or bystanders
- We cannot allow for mayors to turn into local rulers or bystanders, but serve as factors for development and solution of problems, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski told annual conference on local self-government and decentralization "Towards Sustainable Local Self-Government: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies for the Future", organized by the Ministry of Local Self-Government on Tuesday.

Skopje, 10 December 2024 (MIA) - We cannot allow for mayors to turn into local rulers or bystanders, but serve as factors for development and solution of problems, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski told annual conference on local self-government and decentralization "Towards Sustainable Local Self-Government: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies for the Future", organized by the Ministry of Local Self-Government on Tuesday.
"We show by example that we are working for all municipalities. The Ministry of Local Self-Government is managing the Government-led investment of EUR 250 million for all municipalities that met the criteria, thus demonstrating that local development is our priority," said PM Mickoski.
According to him, local self-government is the heart of local development and there to meet the citizens' needs, improve life and ensure swift, efficient and accessible services.
"For too long, municipalities were subject to political bargaining, and support by the central authorities has depended on whether the local authorities cohabitated with them. As I was an opposition leader myself, I am well-acquainted with what the mayors went through in this regard," said Mickoski.
He added that citizens paid the price as a result.
"This is now in the past and we are investing significant efforts to strengthen the role of the local authorities. Through financial decentralization, investments in infrastructure and digitization of services, we have demonstrated that development of the local self-government is our priority," said Mickoski.
The PM added that much work lies ahead, including the challenge of full transparency, accountability and equal access to all resources.
"Only through joint efforts and partnership between the central and local authorities we can build municipalities that serve as a proper governing model," said Mickoski.
Minister of Local Self-Government Zlatko Perinski said creation of a more functional local self-government, improving the quality of public services and building partnership and trust with citizens are the Government's key priorities.
He added that the crucial challenges for the municipalities were identified from the very beginning and said 274 capital infrastructure projects would be funded, while noting that direct support would resume in 2025.
Perinski said a resource center to support municipalities and their digitalization would be in the focus in the coming period.
Photo: MIA