• Sunday, 06 October 2024

MAS and ICOMOS: Amendments to cultural heritage protection law will destroy cultural heritage with catastrophic consequences

MAS and ICOMOS: Amendments to cultural heritage protection law will destroy cultural heritage with catastrophic consequences

Skopje, 10 April 2023 (MIA) - Representatives of the Macedonian Archaeological Society (MAS) and the National Committee of the International Council for Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) gathered in front of the Parliament on Monday urging MPs not to allow the adoption of amendments to the Law on the Protection of Cultural Heritage, noting that otherwise it will unscrupulously and knowingly destroy cultural heritage with catastropjic consequences, in the name of "greater public interest", behind which stands "a profiteering deal of enormous proportions". 


Namely, draft amendments to Article 65 of the Law, propose adding a new paragraph, which would allow, if an archeological site is found during construction works for projects of state importance, i.e. an object of archaeological importance, the contractor of the works to notify the supervising engineer about the site found, bypassing the current legal provision under which it should be reported immediately to the competent public institution for protection or to the Ministry of Interior.


MAS and ICOMOS in front of Parliament Photo/MIA
Ordanche Petrov from the Macedonian Archaeological Society said Monday that the draft amendment to Article 65 of the Law, in a fast track procedure, in fact legalizes an irreversible destruction of cultural heritage under the protection of the state. According to him, there are already registered archaeological sites in the region where the infrastructural works for Corridors 8 and 10d are planned.
Petrov noted that knowingly destroying and concealing cultural heritage constitues a crime. 
"Are you aware that the Trebenishta - Struga - Kjafasan section is part of the world natural and cultural heritage of the Ohrid Region, under the protection of UNESCO? Are you aware of how many laws and international conventions that have been ratified in this country you will break by raising your hand to vote"in favor" of these changes? Gentlemen, knowingly destroying and concealing cultural heritage is a criminal act, an unprecedented one when it involves the highest body of the state, which should actually take care of it," Petrov added. 
MAS and ICOMOS in front of Parliament Photo/MIA
Kristina Biceva from ICOMOS Macedonia said that such a draft amendment to the Law makes it possible to exclude and derogate competent experts and competent authorities for the protection of cultural heritage, i.e. the institutions within the protection system that are specialized, qualified and responsible for taking measures for the protection of the cultural heritage.
"Instead, as an unheard of precedent, it is envisaged that these powers will be entrusted to a supervising engineer, who doesn't have the necessary expertise or knowledge to identify whether these are accidental discoveries that represent archaeological finds, nor to deal with them in a professional manner, nor to apply appropriate standards for their protection," Biceva added.
Kristina Biceva ICOMOS Macedonia Photo/MIA
Also, she noted, this draft law is contrary to all international conventions on the protection of cultural heritage, including the Revised European Convention on the Protection of Archaeological Heritage of the Council of Europe concludded at Valletta, ratified by our country in 2005.
Biceva stressed that if contrary to both scientific principles and their indications, this draft law is put to parliamentary debate, they urge MPs not to accept it, appealing to their individual awareness and conscience. 
Photo: MIA