• Friday, 14 March 2025

Launch of Financial Literacy Days

Launch of Financial Literacy Days

Skopje, 26 November 2024 (MIA) – The 8th edition of Financial Literacy Days will be held from November 26 to 28 organised by the National Bank, the Ministry of Finance, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Agency for Supervision of Fully Funded Pension Insurance (MAPAS) and the Insurance Supervision Agency.

The National Bank informs that Financial Literacy Days will primarily be organized as educational lectures, and that all institutions participating this year will inform citizens about the activities and events being planned through their websites and social media pages, also providing details on how interested citizens can register.

“Financial regulatory institutions urge citizens to stay updated on the planned events and actively take part in the Financial Literacy Days this year. The aim is to bolster financial education, promote financial inclusion, and enhance consumer awareness and protection in financial services. The National Bank, in particular, has issued a public call inviting the public to join several educational activities,” as stated by the Bank.

On the first day, the National Bank will open its doors to all interested parties, who will have the opportunity to learn about the rights of consumers of financial services.

On the second day, three online lectures will be organized on the following topics: "In the World of Finance - Financial Education for High School Students," "Security Features of Macedonian Currency," and "Payment Accounts with Basic Functions."

On the third day, a student session will be held at the National Bank's premises for students from universities in the country, covering three topics: "Monetary Policy of the National Bank," "The Role and Importance of the National Bank's Statistical Data" presented by representatives of the National Bank, and "Young People and Financial Education" in cooperation with the Alpbach Association.

Throughout this year, financial regulatory institutions have implemented a significant portion of the planned activities in the area of financial education and financial inclusion. In the upcoming period, these activities are expected to be further intensified, taking into account the implementation of the National Strategy for Financial Education and Financial Inclusion, states the National Bank.

Photo: National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia