• Saturday, 29 June 2024

Kovachevski denies failure to react to Bulgarian provocation: We always react when reputation is damaged on any basis

Kovachevski denies failure to react to Bulgarian provocation: We always react when reputation is damaged on any basis
Skopje, 27 September 2022 (MIA) – Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, in response to a reporter's question about the authorities’ failure to react when it comes to Bulgarian provocation, whereas the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressly issued a reaction statement to the hate speech in Monday’s football match between North Macedonia and Bulgaria, said there was always reaction to actions that damage reputation on any basis.   “It’s not true that we have not reacted, we have always reacted to actions that damage reputation on any basis. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a reaction statement, but we also reacted to another match in which the national teams played, but I still think that the best way to cheer is to cheer for your own team and respect the opponents. This applies to us, of course, but it also applies to our opponents,” Kovachevski said after Tuesday’s event on presenting a project for connecting local roads.   Earlier on Tuesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a public statement condemning hate speech that appeared during Monday’s football match between North Macedonia and Bulgaria.   “Sports events represent the highest expression of the principles of fair treatment, mutual respect and competition in the spirit of sportsmanship. The misuse of such events to spread hatred and intolerance is the essential opposite of their underlying idea,” said the Foreign Ministry in a press release.    The Ministry added that in the future, North Macedonia and Bulgaria will continue to actively work on promoting mutual relations, as NATO-allied countries, future partners in the European Union, and above all, good neighbors.