Jakimovski: Elections peaceful and dignified, remarks over diaspora vote
- GROM presidential candidate Stevcho Jakimovski said Wednesday the Election Day was peaceful and dignified.
- Post By Ivan Kolekevski
- 20:07, 24 April, 2024

Skopje, 24 April 2024 (MIA) - GROM presidential candidate Stevcho Jakimovski said Wednesday the Election Day was peaceful and dignified.
"I do not have any remarks over my opponents' conduct during the election campaign, except for the fact that we only had one duel and that two candidates were heavily financed in their media promotion, which should be rectified for subsequent elections. I also think that the lack of duels led to a turnout of less than 50 percent," said Jakimovski.
He criticized the diaspora voting, since nationals had difficulties to get out of work and vote.
"People from the diaspora I talked to told me their employers believed they lied to them just to get out of work, because voting in their countries is administered electronically. This is another shortcoming that must be fixed by the next presidential and parliamentary elections," said Jakimovski.
Photo: Screenshot