• Saturday, 19 October 2024

Government coalition talks in final stages, parties not revealing details

Government coalition talks in final stages, parties not revealing details

Skopje, 31 May 2024 (MIA) - The government coalition talks between VMRO-DPMNE, the Worth It coalition and the ZNAM Movement are ongoing, said representatives of the political parties in the working groups, adding that the negotiations are in the final stages and all details will be published once the agreement is finalized. 

According to her Office, President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova is to hand over a mandate for the formation of a new government next week. The deadline for granting the mandate to form the next government is set to expire on June 7. 

Министерот за информатичко општество и администрација, Азир Алиу, денеска организираше отворена дискусија со претставници на стопанските комори во Република Северна Македонија и членките на И

The representative of the Worth It coalition in the negotiations working group, Azir Aliu, told MIA that he expects the talks over a coalition with VMRO-DPMNE to conclude in the coming 3-4 days. Aliu didn’t reveal any details about the negotiations, stressing that the public will know all the details once talks conclude. 

In a press release, the ZNAM Movement said it is in the final stages of negotiations over cooperation with VMRO-DPMNE and participation in the future government, they too didn’t want to reveal any details. 

СООПШТЕНИЕ: Владата на Македонија во услови на предизборие, преку скратена постапка, во парламентарна процедура повторно стави закони кои се исклучително штетни за државата и за македонските

The party said it has discussed certain ministerial posts with VMRO-DPMNE as well, but they are currently not fully defined or confirmed. 

“The ZNAM Movement assesses any speculation over certain names and posts as inaccurate and false,” the party stressed.  

Izet Mexhiti, leader of the Democratic Movement which is a part of Worth It, told TV21 on Thursday that an agreement has been reached with VMRO-DPMNE over the “highest echelon”. He said that in addition to the Speaker of Parliament, the Worth It coalition will have six ministers, seven deputy ministers, five state secretaries and one deputy prime minister in the next government. 

The Mayor of Gostivar and member of the Worth It coalition, Arben Taravari, at a press conference Thursday said the talks are expected to last three or four more days. 

Генералниот секретар на Алијанса за Албанците Арбер Таравари вечерва за ТВ 24 Вести изјави дека заедно со Алтернатива идниот понеделник ќе одржат протестен марш со пораката „Доста е“, со цел

“From what I can see, the negotiations will last three or four more days. The working groups are working by chapters, they are working intensely. Once we have a definitive agreement with distributed posts and a programme, which is already finished, I am sure we will come out and announce it publicly to all citizens,” Taravari said. 

According to reports from the working groups, VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition will hold the ministerial posts at the Interior Ministry; Ministry of Finance; of Transport and Communications; Education and Science; Culture; Foreign Affairs; Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy; Local Self-Government; Defense; Energy; Political System and others. 

The Worth It coalition will hold the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, with the minister in charge of this sector also acting as Deputy Prime Minister. The coalition will have ministers in charge of the Ministry of Health; Ministry of Social Policy, Demographics and Youth; Ministry of Economy and Labor; the Euro-integrations sector, as well as one additional ministry without portfolio in charge of good-governance and transparency. 

The ZNAM Movement is expected to hold the Ministry of Justice and the new Ministry of Administration. 

However, before the new government can be elected, Parliament will have to adopt amendments to systemic legislation to enable the creation of new ministries, and the transformation of existing ones, Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi said in an interview on Thursday. 

Photo: MIA Archive