Goce Ristov latest candidate to begin collecting signatures for presidential bid: SEC
- Goce Ristov has joined the list of candidates collecting signatures for the presidential race. He has until Friday to collect the required 10,000 signatures, according to the deadline set by the State Election Commission (SEC).
- Post By Angel Dimoski
- 16:34, 5 March, 2024

Skopje, 5 March 2024 (MIA) - Goce Ristov has joined the list of candidates collecting signatures for the presidential race. He has until Friday to collect the required 10,000 signatures, according to the deadline set by the State Election Commission (SEC).
So far, seven candidates have managed to secure their place in the presidential elections.
SEC latest data shows that Stevo Pendarovski (SDSM) has collected 22,411 signatures, Gordana Siljanovska (VMRO-DPMNE) - 28,029 signatures, Maksim Dimitrievski (ZNAM) - 11,602, Bujar Osmani (DUI) - 11,085, Stevcho Jakimovski (GROM) - 11,093, Arben Taravari (Coalition Worth It) - 10,710 and Biljana Vankovska Cvetanovska (Levica) - 10,469.
Other candidates are still collecting signatures, with Mersiha Smailovikj (Bosniak Democratic Alliance) at 1,684 thus far, Velo Markovski - 1509, Gjorgji Manaskov - 453, Zorica Cvetkovska - 233, Gospodin Popovski - 133, and Tome Nikoloski- 0.
The signature collection runs in all SEC departments and offices across 34 municipalities and at notaries public.
Potential candidates need to submit their bids to the SEC by March 19 at midnight.ssh/ad/
Photo: MIA Archive