• Thursday, 06 March 2025

Goce Delchev's birth anniversary observed (photo)

Goce Delchev's birth anniversary observed (photo)

Skopje, 4 February 2025 (MIA) - The 153rd anniversary from the birth of Macedonian revolutionary Goce Delchev was observed across the country on Tuesday. Delegations laid wreaths at his tomb in the Skopje-based St.Spas church, at his monument in the City Park and the statue in the campus of the Shtip-based university bearing Delchev's name.

The main ceremony was attended by President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, opposition leader Venko Filipche, delegations from the Parliament and other state institutions, political parties, civil society organizations etc.

President Siljanovska Davkova also paid a visit to the Goce Delchev University, where she laid a wreath at the monument of the Macedonian revolutionary.


PM Mickoski said the Government should traditionally celebrate the day, "because Goce Delchev is part of the Macedonian identity".


SDSM leader Filipche said the social-democratic values are engraved in the struggle of the country's greatest fighter, revolutionary and visionary.

A DUI delegation also laid a wreath, with party official Arber Ademi saying Delchev's vision has left a permanent mark, noting "his ideology is needed today more than ever".

СООПШТЕНИЕ - Денес, официјални делегации на Левица, положија цвеќе во Скопје и Штип во чест на 153 години од раѓањето на апостолот на македонската револуционерна борба – Гоце Делчев.

Delegations of Levica party laid wreaths at Delchev's monuments in Skopje and Shtip.

A City of Skopje delegation, led by Mayor Danela Arsovska, also laid flowers at Delchev's monument in the City Park.

Photo: MIA