GAC: Council ready to convene another IGC as soon as North Macedonia completes constitutional changes
- While the Council welcomes that the new government in North Macedonia has declared EU integration as its strategic goal, it recalls its conclusions of July 2022 and notes that North Macedonia has not yet completed the constitutional changes to which it has committed itself, read the conclusions on EU enlargement approved by the General Affairs Council (GAC) on Tuesday.

Brussels, 17 December 2024 (MIA) – While the Council welcomes that the new government in North Macedonia has declared EU integration as its strategic goal, it recalls its conclusions of July 2022 and notes that North Macedonia has not yet completed the constitutional changes to which it has committed itself, read the conclusions on EU enlargement approved by the General Affairs Council (GAC) on Tuesday.
"Reiterating the European Council’s call on North Macedonia to accelerate the completion of these changes, the Council reaffirms its readiness to convene another intergovernmental conference, without further delays nor additional political decision, as soon as North Macedonia has implemented its commitment, in line with its internal procedures. Thereafter, the Council stands ready to open the first negotiating cluster as soon as possible, in line with the Negotiating Framework," the Council conclusions on North Macedonia read.
The Council encourages all parties in parliament to ensure cross-party collaboration, with a focus on advancing the implementation of EU-related reforms.
"The Council welcomes the level of preparation of North Macedonia in key areas. It notes that permanent and decisive steps still are required in order to accelerate the implementation of EU related reforms, notably in the areas of the fundamentals and the rule of law where only limited progress was made," the conclusions note.
The Council notes that good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation remain essential elements of the enlargement process, as well as of the Stabilisation and Association Process.
"The Council recalls the importance of achieving tangible results and implementing in good faith bilateral agreements, including the Prespa agreement with Greece and the Treaty on Friendship, Good-neighbourliness and Cooperation with Bulgaria in line with the Negotiating Framework," the conclusions add.
The Council strongly commends North Macedonia for its consistent cooperation on foreign policy issues and in particular its steadfast and long-standing full alignment with the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy, including on EU restrictive measures – a strong signal of North Macedonia’s strategic commitment to its EU path.
"The Council also welcomes North Macedonia’s continued active participation in EU missions and operations under the CSDP, and the new Security and Defence Partnership between the EU and North Macedonia which paves the way for increased collaboration in key areas," says the GAC.
It points out that the country needs to deliver on the independence, professionalism, efficiency and impartiality of the judiciary and on the public administration reform, noting that the Judicial Council needs to be strengthened in line with the recommendations of the 2023 EU peer review mission.
"The fight against corruption and organised crime needs to be reinforced. The Council remains seriously concerned about the amendments to the Criminal Code, affecting a large number of high-level corruption cases. The Council calls on North Macedonia to adopt a new Criminal Code in line with the EU acquis and international standards. The Council also renews its call on North Macedonia to further strengthen fundamental rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities or communities, media freedom and freedom of expression," adds the document.
While welcoming that recent parliamentary and presidential elections held in 2024 were competitive, the Council notes that further progress is needed on electoral reform, including the addressing of the outstanding recommendations from the OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission.
The document also notes that the Council commends North Macedonia on its continued good cooperation regarding migration management, border management and alignment with the EU’s visa policy.
"On the economic criteria, the Council welcomes the good level of preparation and some progress made by North Macedonia in developing a functioning market economy and encourages North Macedonia to continue efforts to advance in its capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union and to implement necessary structural reforms," read the enlargement conclusions.
Photo: MIA