• Friday, 07 March 2025

Flu cases on the rise, Infectious Diseases Commission gives recommendations

Flu cases on the rise, Infectious Diseases Commission gives recommendations

Skopje, 16 January 2024 (MIA) - The Commission for Infectious Diseases has recommended mandatory face masks in health-care facilities and senior homes, as well as ban on visits to hospitals and nursing homes. 


Infectious Diseases Commission President Aleksandar Petlichkovski told reporters after Tuesday's session of the Commission that the number of flu cases is rising, but there is currently no threat to the public health situation.


"In terms of the flu situation, we currently see an increase in the number of cases, both compared to the past week and compared to the average number of cases over the past 13 years. We have entered the season of influenza, and we need to be thinking about protecting the most vulnerable people, i.e. the elderly people over 65 years of age, people with chronic diseases, and we call on them, if they have not completed vaccination in the past period, to ensure they are protected by receiving a vaccine against flu," said Petlichkovski.  



The flu, he pointed out, has surpassed the number of Covid cases, which is going down. As regards pertussis, most commonly known as the whooping cough, he said that only two cases remain registered in the country thus far.


"We are at a point when cases of whooping cough are becoming more frequent in the region, in Europe, and hence the recommendation. We currently stand at about 83.9 percent coverage with the primovaccination series, i.e. the first three doses received in the second, fourth and sixth months after birth. That's not a number we are happy with, and that's why we urge parents who have skipped pertussis vaccinations, to make up for the missed doses, thus ensuring the best protection for young children up to two years of age, because pertussis - whooping cough is the most dangerous disease for young children and vaccination is aimed at reducing the risks," said Petlichkovski.


Asked whether ant further recommendations will be made, seeing that the school year resumes next week after the winter break, Petlichkovski said there is currently no risk of any major threats, noting that the recommendation remains for hygiene and ventilation measures, but no further measures need to be introduced for the time being. 



Head of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Milena Stevanovikj, said that six flu patients have died since the beginning of the season.


"The last one was a 45/46-year-old female with underlying health conditions. Currently, seven people are hospitalized at the Infectious Diseases Clinic, five are confirmed cases, and two wait for laboratory confirmation. Six people have been hospitalized with Covid-19," Stevanovikj added. 


Photo: MIA