Faculties, scientific institutions can apply for state funding to modernize labs

Skopje, 10 August 2021 (MIA) – The Ministry of Education and Science with permission from the government has after a whole decade relaunched the opportunity for faculties and scientific institutions in North Macedonia to get funds from the state budget to enhance their research capacities by modernizing labs. A total of Mden 17.3 million will be allocated for this purpose via an ongoing public call, the Education Ministry said in a press release on Tuesday.
“The public call is open until September 20,” the press release read.
The Ministry added that support has been grouped into three types: funds for accreditation of methods, assistance for ensuring the technical competency and introducing new analytical methods at labs and procurement of equipment, which entails modernization of lab infrastructure.
“One of the conditions for receiving state funding is making resources available to both institution employees and independent researchers,” the release underlined.
Increasing investments in science and research, it added, is one the top priorities of the government and the Education Ministry, a precondition for social advancement, economic growth and national economic competitiveness. The policy for encouraging scientific and research activities by ensuring greater financial support, aims to increase participation of science in North Macedonia’s GDP to regional and EU levels.
North Macedonia’s science budget stood in 2018 at Mden 252 million and has nearly doubled in the past three years. The country continues to make use of more funds from international science, research and innovation programs, such as Horizon Europe.