• Sunday, 29 September 2024

EU Ambassador urges for unity on European agenda

EU Ambassador urges for unity on European agenda
Skopje, 17 February 2022 (MIA) – The Parliament’s European Affairs Committee held Thursday a session on the 2021 European Commission Progress Report five months after its release because of the local elections, the government’s resignation and the subsequent election of the new executive. EU Ambassador David Geer said the Report reaffirms the country has met the criteria for the start of the accession negotiations, while noting it should resume with the reforms in the fight against corruption and organized crime, rule of law, electoral legislation, public administration reforms. “Regarding the Parliament’s work, the report calls for the strengthening of its role, and a constructive dialogue, especially in view of the European reform agenda. It notes there is polarization, especially with regards to Covid-19. The Parliament has resumed its legislative function but the report highlights the need for smaller and restricted use of expedited procedures in passing laws. It is very important to have cooperation among various political parties for the sake of the reforms. Therefore, I urge all lawmakers to cooperate on meeting the common goals within the European agenda,” said Ambassador Geer. Deputy PM for European Affairs and National IPA Coordinator, Bojan Marichikj, presented his priorities in the new role, including the improvement of coordination and streamlining of reforms for the purpose of the country’s Europeanization, a process where the Parliament plays a key role. “The Euro-integration process is an issue that requires a unified approach so that we implement reforms more efficiently, in the mutual interest of all political parties and the country in general. The reform pace depends mostly on our commitment and sincere approach, as well as a broad consensus in society but also in the Parliament. The formal start of the accession negotiations will certainly ensure the required incentive for implementation of in-depth reforms with accelerated dynamics, not only in the implementation of the EU law but also in the essential implementation of adopted laws. Nevertheless, this does not mean that we will sit and wait until the negotiations start and we expect a new adapted reform plan with new tasks very soon,” said Deputy PM Marichikj.