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Economic and Social Council discusses trade unions proposals for public sector wages

Economic and Social Council discusses trade unions proposals for public sector wages

Skopje, 8 May 2023 (MIA) – The Economic and Social Council, which held its ninth session on Monday, chaired by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Jovanka Trenchevska, discussed the proposals of the trade unions in regard to the new general collective agreement for the public sector.

Deputy PM Fatmir Bytyqi referred to two proposals for the calculation of the public sector wages, the first proposal by the Government is to take the minimum gross wage in the defining the gross wage and add the number of points and the value of the point, and the value of the point to be passed by the Parliament, the government said in a press release.

Concerning the proposal of the trade unions, in the basic gross wage to define the average gross wage multiplied by the job complexity coefficient, Bytyqi noted that in order to reach the desired goal, a transition period is needed for full compliance with the average wage.

“Government representatives underlined that the goal is to create a single system and simplification that will mean solutions that will protect the standard of citizens and monitor the productivity of the economy. The social partners agreed to make simulations for both proposals for the calculation of the public sector wages and to discuss them at the Economic and Social Council’s session next week,” reads the press release.

At today's session, the Economic and Social Council reviewed and adopted the report on the implementation of the work plan for the review of occupations and the information on the participation of a tripartite delegation at the International Labour Conference in Geneva in June 2023. The International Labour Conference is the International Labour Organization's highest decision-making body. The Republic of North Macedonia is the member of International Labour Organization, reads the press release.

Photo: Government