• Saturday, 22 February 2025

Dimitrievski in Bitola: Politicians cannot be above citizens

Dimitrievski in Bitola: Politicians cannot be above citizens

Bitola, 20 April 2024 (MIA) — ZNAM Movement leader Maksim Dimitrievski and Vesna Bendevska, the head of the party's list of MP candidates from the Fifth Electoral District, spoke at an election rally in Bitola on Saturday evening.

Dimitrievski told Bitola citizens that if he were elected President, as Commander-in-Chief he would strive to protect the rights of citizens as well as the rights of the defenders, because, he said, politicians cannot be above citizens.

"Citizens are at the bottom, and the elite is at the top," Dimitrievski said. "They are here when they seek power, but later when they need to deliver [on their promises] to citizens, they sit around making small calculations in their offices, making agreements with their eternal partner DUI, who has been working this country for more than 20 years, who entered Parliament with rifles.


"Now we see them playing football and singing songs at our expense in Artan Grubi's office, or his parallel government, while we sign memorandums of cooperation with Bedem Association so the implementation of the laws on their rights can begin after 20 years.


"As the future Commander-in-Chief of Macedonia, I will fully commit not only to protecting their rights but to protecting the rights of all citizens. Because politicians cannot be above citizens," Dimitrievski said.


He also said that with him as President, no Macedonian would ever have to flee from their land again.


"We must own what is ours and be like the others in this country: first class citizens. Enough of seeing how DUI wraps them both around their little finger, building a biethnic society with either of them," Dimitrievski said.


"Well there are others! This country was made by the Macedonian people. And that's why Macedonians should stand up and bravely say. 'It's enough!' It's time for fundamental change," he said.



MP candidate Bendevska said the country needed to be made self-sustaining by fully using its capacities. She also said there should be zero tolerance for corruption, justice should be equally dispensed, and health care should be free and available to everyone.


She also said the country should be energy independent, use its natural resources, and build new renewable energy capacities.


According to Bendevska, EU membership is extremely important for the country but joining the bloc has to be done with dignity.


"We want to enter the EU with dignity as Macedonians, who speak the Macedonian language, with our own national history, culture and identity – and no other way," she said. mr/