Democratic Alliance leader: We demand we see both proposals before establishing position

Skopje, 1 July 2022 (MIA) - Leaders of junior government coalition partners before a meeting in the government Friday said they expect Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski to brief them about the French proposal, which would lift the veto for Skopje to open negotiations with the EU.
The Democratic Alliance demands first of all to see the document and to be given time to consult experts before we establish a position, said its leader Pavle Trajanov.
"We will insist to be provided with the first and second proposal and we demand the government and the Foreign Ministry explain to us in written what is the essence of the new modified proposal," Trajanov told reporters.
Citing media reports from Bulgaria, he said the media there claim there are no significant changes.
Trajanov said his party will also press ahead with a wide-ranging debate, including the media, NGOs, experts, and Parliament.
This matter, Trajanov stressed, requires unity regardless of one's ethnic and religious background.
On his way to the meeting with PM Kovachevski, VMRO-NP leader Ljubcho Georgievski said he hadn't seen the French proposal, however he commented on the previous proposal saying it basically remains the same.
According to him, that proposal offered some positive things and shouldn't be rejected all together.
"What matters is that the Macedonian language according to the French proposal is regulated without a problem in the forthcoming course in the relations with the EU. What matters most, which is underreported in Macedonia, is that the Bulgarian Parliament by approving the French proposal has given up on their final position set before the veto for Macedonia to join the EU," he told reporters.
What needs to be highlighted, according to him, is that neither party is fully satisfied. "But, that's what happens with every proposal. It was the same with the Prespa Agreement," Georgievski said.
The Democratic Party of the Turks has no precise information yet, its leader Beydzan Ilaz said adding they will establish a position and share it with the public after the briefing by PM Kovachevski.
Miroslav Jovanovikj of the Serbian Party said he is also yet to read the proposal. "The previous proposal was unacceptable. I expect to see some more significant changes that can be incorporated in the Parliament resolution and the Friendship Treaty with Bulgaria," he stated.