• Monday, 01 July 2024

Delchevo, Pehchevo fires still burning; Skopje's Saraj fire under control

Delchevo, Pehchevo fires still burning; Skopje's Saraj fire under control
Skopje, 6 August 2021 (MIA) — Wildfires are still burning in Delchevo, Pehchevo, Sveti Nikole, Shtip, Prilep, Kumanovo, Valandovo, and Radovish. The Gostivar fire has reignited, as well, while the Saraj fire near the villages of Raovikj and Bukovikj has been put under control, according to the Crisis Management Center. The Delchevo fire, 15 km in diameter, has burned around 2,500 acres of land near ​​the village of Nov Istevnik. The most critical point is at Sveta Voda, between the villages of Trabotivishte and Razlovci. Sixty army members, 22 rapid response police officers, 24 “Tiger” special unit members, and six Bulgarian firefighters are battling the blazes alongside dozens of Delchevo firefighters and border police. In Pehchevo, the Bajaz Tepe fire is still raging in the villages of Robovo, Umlena and Chiflik, burning oak and pine trees as well as smaller trees and underbrush. Strong winds have pushed the fire onto the Berovo–Delchevo regional road toward the village of Crnik, so traffic has been banned. Helicopters and Slovenian firefighters have been deployed in the area alongside 100 army members as well as some 100 Berovo and Pehchevo locals, and 20 Bulgarian firefighters. The wildfire near the village of Bogoslovec in Sveti Nikole has burned some 500 acres of pine and oak trees as well as spruce. Local firefighters are putting out the fire with the help of six firefighters from the DPPD national volunteer firefighters’ association and two fire trucks. The wildfire that moved from the village of Bogoslovec to the villages of Krivi Dol and Dobrishani near Shtip is also still burning. The wind pushed it toward Bregalnica River, but 30 army members localized it to keep it from reaching the army warehouses in Krivi Dol. Shtip firefighters are also on the scene. The wildfire near ​​the villages of Rakle, Nikodin, and Toplica near Prilep is burning and inaccessible. The wildfire near the villages Dren and Smolane has picked up, threatening the local pine forest as well. Ten Prilep firefighters are fighting the fire together with 32 army members and around 20 water utility company employees. They have called for helicopters to be sent, as well. The wildfire near the village of Beljakovce in Kumanovo is burning toward the village of Dovezence. A dozen local firefighters and 80 army members are putting it out. The fire at Pogana in Valandovo has burned around 3,336 acres of land and has now reached the Bogdanci windmills. Valandovo firefighters, 30 army members, several dozen utility companies’ employees and locals on tractors are battling the blazes. The Radovish fire near the village of Pogulevo is burning underbrush. It is spreading fast because of wind and threatening nearby farms. Radovish firefighters are trying to put it under control. The wildfire in ​​the villages of Raovikj and Bukovikj in Skopje’s Saraj has been put under partial control while local firefighter teams try to prevent it from reaching the Jasen national preserve. The Gostivar fire near the village of Pozharane reignited earlier today, but local firefighters are gaining ground against the blazes. mr/