• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Crisis offers a chance to strengthen our energy architecture, says Pendarovski 

Crisis offers a chance to strengthen our energy architecture, says Pendarovski 
Skopje, 14 September 2022 (MIA) - The crisis is an opportunity to strengthen our energy architecture by investing in long-term energy security, availability and sustainability, President Stevo Pendarovski said addressing the opening of EVN Group Days. Referring to the energy crisis, Pendarovski said North Macedonia as a small and open economy with high energy dependency is vulnerable to these processes. According to him, the Macedonian energy system doesn't generate enough electricity for its needs due to, as he said, the years-long low level of investments in energy capacities, the galloping  growth of energy demand in the digital era and the energy habits by some citizens, which are not sustainable. The President, his office said, presented the main points of the government plan for tackling the crisis - urgent import of the necessary resources, increasing the national production and reducing consumption. According to Pendarovski, the only way to deal with the challenges is to join forces and the cooperation with EVN Macedonia is now more important than ever. "EVN Macedonia is a key component in the Macedonian energy system and is one of the largest investors, employers and taxpayers in North Macedonia," he said. The President in his address also mentioned the company's support for several projects, including the Young Managers and Business Leaders projects, the charity campaign "Volunteering for Solidary Society", and for the drafting of the MKD 2039 strategic development framework, said the press release. Во обраќањето, претседателот ја истакнал и поддршката што компанијата ја дава за реализација на повеќе проекти, како што се програмата „Млади менаџери и бизнис лидери“ и добротворната акција „Волонтираме за солидарно општество“, како и поддршката во изготвувањето на „МКД 2030“ како стратешка рамка за развој на Северна Македонија до крајот на оваа деценија.