• Sunday, 02 February 2025

Companies seeking facilitated procedures for rooftop photovoltaic installation in free industrial zones 

Companies seeking facilitated procedures for rooftop photovoltaic installation in free industrial zones 
Ohrid, 9 October 2022 (MIA) - Due to skyrocketing electricity prices, companies in the automotive industry are paying four times higher electricity bills. Although their premises are energy efficient by optimizing the production process, they are seeking ways to reduce the impact on profitability. According to Viktor Mizo, President of the Association of Foreign Companies with Technologically Advanced Production, these companies are asking procedures for installing photovoltaics on the premises to be facilitated. "They are asking for the limit on the size of the rooftop photovoltaic installation to be scrapped and at the same time, they are asking to be allowed to sell electricity surpluses on the free market, especially for the companies in the technological and industrial development zones," said Mizo. Even though some companies have recently said they might lay off half of their workers unless they receive state aid to overcome the consequences from the energy crisis, he said that the sector he is in charge with is less dependent on the electricity prices compared to the metallurgy and energy sector. Mizo, who is the CEO of the German company Kostal in Ohrid, said his company plans on hiring some 50 people by the end of the year. "Electricity largely doesn't affect the price of the end product of our companies and there will be no layoffs. Even when production in Europe was reduced, we'd kept our workers because we have invested a lot in them and they are crucial for our future operations. But, I'm sure there will be companies that will be negatively affected," underlined Mizo. The companies in the automotive industry, he added, are seeking ways to save and rationalize the working process by concentrating production through the five work days and to extend weekends with holidays and optimizing processes so as to cut down costs. Kostal has recently marked its sixth anniversary. Mizo said the company plans on hiring next year additional 200 people due to new investment projects and the opening of new plants in the country. "According to the latest strategic analyses of all Kostal locations around the world. Kostal Macedonia should turn into the main European hub for production of systems for electric and plugin hybrid vehicles. It is a huge confirmation and valorization of everything we have done in the past six years," the CEO stressed. Kostal Macedonia located in Ohrid has invested EUR 100 million. With 1,030 employees, it is entering the third investment cycle by investing another EUR 50 million in the next two years.